Loving Families FAQ

  1. Tell us a little about the founding and development of your organization?
    Adoption Home Studies by Loving Families, Inc. was founded by a social worker and a licensed professional counselor and adoptive mother of four children in order to provide ethical and compassionate assistance to parents seeking to build their families through adoption. Our love and concern for children and our admiration of parents willing to embrace an adopted child as their own have been our prime motivating force in developing the agency.
  2. How are your adoption home study and your organization unique?
    The agency is intentionally small in order to provide responsive, personalized service. We specialize in providing home study and post adoption services for families seeking to adopt from other countries or out of state agencies. We provide ongoing advice to parents both before and after placement utilizing our extensive experience in working with families.
  3. How long is an adoption home study valid?
    Virginia home studies are valid for three years. However, this may not be the case for families adopting out of state.
  4. Approximately how much time is necessary to complete an adoption home study by your organization?
    Loving Families, Inc. can complete an adoption home study in 5 to 6 weeks, if all the necessary documents have been received and the required visits have been completed
  5. Can adoptive parents use a home study completed by your organization to adopt a child born in another state?
  6. If you complete my home study, do you also have to complete my post-placement visits?
    The state prefers it, but it is not mandated. Often Loving Families, Inc. signs a pledge to provide post-placement visits.
  7. What is some advice you can give to potential adoptive families about the home study process? What should they be prepared for?
    The best advice we can give is for you to be honest and open in talking with your home study social worker.
  8. What do your home study social workers look for in a home and a family when they visit potential adoptive families' homes?
    The home study is an exploration of the life experiences that have shaped you as a person. It also involves evaluating whether adoption is the right decision for your family. The agency looking for parents who are able to love an adopted child as their own, with the same level of commitment that one would expect for a biological child. Naturally it is essential that prospective adoptive parents are able to provide a safe and loving home. It is important to recognize that adopted child will need the help of their parents to have a positive understanding of their biological parents and the decision to adopt. Research shows that children who view adoption positively, have more successful lives. We also look for parents who are willing to provide their adopted children with whatever help and services are necessary for the child to reach his/her full potential. It is important to be able to appreciate children for their unique and special qualities and not to have unrealistic expectations.
  9. Are you Hague accredited, and if not, does your international home study comply with Hague International Standards?
    We are Hague exempt, but can offer a usable home study if the placing agency is willing to sign off on the home study, which usually involves an agreement to conform with Hague standards. Our international home study conforms with the requirements of the country the parents chose.
  10. Do you have experience in completing the home study and working with international placement companies?
    Yes. Loving Families, Inc. provides suggestions for obtaining an independent medical opinion on the health of the child and for maintaining the child’s connection with his/her cultural traditions. We are available by cell phone for consultation while family is overseas. We help parents to be aware of support groups of other parents who have adopted from the same country/region.
  11. Are there other services and benefits you would like to share about your company?
    I have years of experience working with children with behavioral issues. I offer advice and suggestions for handling behavioral and emotional issues both before and after the adoption. I am available by cell phone outside of normal working hours.

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