Child & Parent Services FAQ

  1. Tell us a little about the founding and development of your organization?
    Agency director, Cathy Eisenberg, founded the agency in 1987. She has two adopted children. We are a Michigan licensed non-profit agency licensed by the State of Michigan to place infants and children into loving homes.
  2. How are your adoption home study and your organization unique?
    Our social workers and director have been with our agency since its inception and after almost 25 years and over 2,000 adoptions are still committed to adoption and fulfilling the dreams of parents. We take pride in providing quality services to our families and realize that the adoption experience can be challenging and frustrating. Our agency’s goal is to always be an advocate for the family and to create a process that is both comfortable and positive.
  3. Why are you passionate about adoption and the home study process?
    Because I believe the homestudy lays the foundation for the success of the adoption experience. It is important that our families are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve without feeling judged. I am passionate about adoption for so many reasons but the most significant is being the adoptive parent of two wonderful children.
  4. How long is an adoption home study valid?
    It is generally valid for one year and then can be updated as needed, depending on the program requirements.
  5. Approximately how much time is necessary to complete an adoption home study by your organization?
    Generally between four and six weeks
  6. If you complete my home study, do you also have to complete my post-placement visits?
    It is advised, but not a requirement.
  7. What is some advice you can give to potential adoptive families about the home study process? What should they be prepared for?
    They should be prepared to be open and honest with information they provide to their social worker. It is an opportunity for the family to learn more about themselves and more about their motivation for adoption.
  8. What do your home study social workers look for in a home and a family when they visit potential adoptive families' homes?
    That the home is a safe environment for the child and that the family is suitable based on the guidelines included in the assessment.
  9. Are you Hague accredited, and if not, does your international home study comply with Hague International Standards?
    We are not Hague accredited but are an exempt provider for Hague accredited agencies, meaning that we are able to comply with the homestudy requirements.
  10. Do you have experience in completing the home study and working with international placement companies?
    Yes, we have years of completing international homestudies and have relationships with many different international programs. We provide resources and referrals when needed as well as ongoing support before, during and after the placement.
  11. Are there other services and benefits you would like to share about your company?
    Our agency staff is sensitive to the needs of adoptive families. We recognize the frustrations and anxieties that often accompany this process and attempt to make the homestudy a positive and comfortable experience.

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