Jewish Family Services FAQ

  1. Tell us a little about the founding and development of your organization?
    Jewish Family Service of Greater New Orleans was initially created when the Jewish Children’s Home closed in 1948. JFS became a separate organization, with its own 501 (c)(3) status in 1976, and opened its doors to people of all faiths in 1982. JFS now serves Greater New Orleans individuals and families regardless of race, religion, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. Services are available on a sliding-scale fee scale based on household income. Through the years, the scope of the agency has increased tremendously. JFS helps the community strengthen the family and the individual to reach their full potential through various programs and services including: providing individual and group counseling, educating our young people about depression and suicide prevention, promoting independence for the elderly, providing case management, and assisting in adoptions.
  2. How are your adoption home study and your organization unique?
    Our organization is unique because of the range of services we offer our clients. When you come to us for a home study, you can also take advantage of our counseling program, case management services, elder care programs, and support groups. Your social worker will help you get connected with everything you need. Jewish Family Service is a small organization and we are interested in meeting your individual needs.
  3. Why are you passionate about adoption and the home study process?
    Jewish Family Service has been involved in adoptions since we opened our doors in 1948. It is a central part of our mission, and we have long been known for our compassionate adoption work. We are passionate about educating and supporting prospective adoptive parents throughout their adoption process, and maintaining connection with our adoptive families throughout their lifespan.
  4. How long is an adoption home study valid?
    In the state a Louisiana, an adoption home study is valid for one year. We offer home study updates at one year, or when you experience any major life changes.
  5. Approximately how much time is necessary to complete an adoption home study by your organization?
    A home study at Jewish Family Service typically consists of 4-6 meetings with your adoption social worker, at least one of which will be at your home. We meet with each member of the household individually and together. Please allow a minimum of 3 months for your home study document to be completed.
  6. Can adoptive parents use a home study completed by your organization to adopt a child born in another state?
    Yes! We will work with your adoption agency to make sure we meet all the requirements of both Louisiana and the state from which you are adopting.
  7. If you complete my home study, do you also have to complete my post-placement visits?
    No, at Jewish Family Service you are always in charge of your participation in our services. You may choose to come to us for your home study only, your post-placement visits only, or both!
  8. How many post-placement visits does your organization require?
    We offer post-placement reports based on the requirements of your placement agency.
  9. What is some advice you can give to potential adoptive families about the home study process? What should they be prepared for?
    Our advice is to be open and be yourself! We want to get to know you and understand your perspective. The home study process is an incredible opportunity to learn more about adoption, to discuss parenting with the important people in your life, and to reflect upon your own hopes and preferences for the future. We aren’t looking for the “perfect” parent - we hope that you will just be yourself!
  10. What do your home study social workers look for in a home and a family when they visit potential adoptive families' homes?
    When visiting your home, we are looking for safety. We’ll make sure to give you information on how to keep your home safe for the child you hope to adopt. We aren’t looking for a particular kind of individual or couple - simply an individual or family who is capable of caring for and raising a child in a healthy environment.
  11. Are you Hague accredited, and if not, does your international home study comply with Hague International Standards?
    No, at this time we are not Hague accredited. However, our international home studies DO comply with Hague International Standards.
  12. Do you have experience in completing the home study and working with international placement companies?
    Yes, we have completed many international home studies at JFS, and are happy to work with any placement agency you choose. We offer support around international adoption during the home study process as well as in our pre-adoption support group.
  13. Are there other services and benefits you would like to share about your company?
    We offer Pre-Adoption Support Groups throughout the year. These groups are open to anyone interested in learning more about adoption or prospective adoptive parents who are waiting for placement. We hope you will find these groups informative and supportive as you embark on your adoption journey!

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